What is a Root Canal?

What is a Root Canal?

Posted by SHEFFIELD SQUARE DENTAL CARE on Apr 10 2018, 10:44 AM

If you've ever visited the dentist, chances are you've heard of a root canal. It's often portrayed as one of the most dreaded dental procedures, but what exactly is it? In this blog post, we'll uncover what a root canal is and demystify any misconceptions surrounding this common dental treatment. Whether you're experiencing tooth pain or simply curious about your oral health options, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about root canals!

What is a root canal?

A root canal, also known as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure used to treat damaged or infected tooth pulp. The tooth pulp is the soft tissue inside each of your teeth that contains nerves and blood vessels. When this tissue becomes inflamed or infected due to decay or injury, it can cause significant pain and sensitivity.

During a root canal procedure, your dentist will remove the damaged pulp from inside the affected tooth and replace it with a filling material. This helps alleviate pain and prevent further infection from spreading to other parts of your mouth.

Despite its reputation for being painful, most patients report only mild discomfort during a root canal procedure. And while not all cases require a root canal (sometimes simpler treatments like fillings are sufficient) if you're experiencing severe tooth pain or sensitivity, it's best to consult with an experienced dentist who can help determine if this treatment is right for you.

What are the symptoms of needing a root canal?

When it comes to dental health, prevention is always better than cure. However, sometimes even the most diligent of us can develop problems that require intervention. One such issue is needing a root canal.

There are several symptoms that may indicate the need for a root canal procedure. The first and often most noticeable symptom is persistent pain in the affected tooth or teeth. This pain may occur spontaneously or when chewing on food.

Another common symptom of needing a root canal is sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. If you experience discomfort when consuming foods or drinks at extreme temperatures, this could be an indication of nerve damage within your tooth.

Swelling around the affected area is another sign that you might need a root canal procedure. This swelling can be accompanied by tenderness in the gums surrounding your tooth.

Discoloration of the affected tooth could also signal problems with its inner structure and suggest possible nerve damage requiring treatment through root canal therapy.

It's important to note that not all cases will present these exact symptoms; some patients may only have one, while others may experience multiple manifestations simultaneously. If you suspect any issues with your oral health, consult with your dentist immediately, as early detection increases the chances of successful treatment!

How is a root canal procedure performed?

In summary, a root canal is a common dental procedure that can help save an infected or damaged tooth from extraction. It involves removing the infected pulp and nerve tissue from inside the tooth and filling it with a special material to prevent further infection.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned earlier, don't hesitate to consult your dentist for an evaluation. The longer you wait, the more severe and painful your condition may become.

During a root canal procedure, your dentist will numb the affected area using local anesthesia. They will then create a small opening in the top of your tooth to access its inner chamber. Using specialized tools, they will remove all of the infected material before thoroughly cleaning and shaping the inside of your tooth.

Once cleaned out completely, they will fill this space with gutta-percha –a rubber-like material- and seal it off with adhesive cement. In most cases, after this process is complete, they'll place either permanent or temporary restoration on top (such as crowns).

While getting a root canal may sound intimidating at first glance; modern techniques have made it quite comfortable for patients today than ever before!

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